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Easily make folder WITHOUT a name or with name "CON"

Many time people surprise that we can't make a folder named "con". Even a few years ago someone told me "you know how to operate a computer" I said with confidence "yes". On the very next moment he realized me that even I don't know how to make a folder. It happens with many of us when we don’t know the windows basic concepts.

We can't make Folders with name: CON, PRN, AUX, CLOCK$, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, COM4, COM5, COM6, COM7, COM8, COM9, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, LPT4, LPT5, LPT6, LPT7, LPT8, & LPT9..... Try this out... its pretty interesting.

Every time when we try to make a folder with such names it do not accept the given name and convert into again name “New Folder" because Windows has its own system folders by these names. Here CON represents to console, PRN to printer etc. so these names are reserved by Windows.
But now we can easily make folder with these names by an easy method.
Just press Alt+ 0160 simultaneously on the numeric keypad and then type the word by which you want to make a folder and as a result found that which you couldn't do ever.
By the same method you can make a folder without name.

So next time if anyone say that do you know how to operate a computer or you can't make a folder with name "con"... then say with confidence that you can do it....

Tested on: Windows XP

Enjoy Computing J
By- Surbhi

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1 comments for this post

  1. hey surbhi ur blog is so fantastic,i want to say that we can also make these folder by pressing alt + 255 and then folder name.its mean of space hw it works can u explain?

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