Trick to Apply your Face as your mouse Cursor

Hello Friends,
In My last post i have taught you, how you can make your own cursors.
In this post i m gonna tell you how you can insert your own Face or any image as your mouse Cursor Using the same software that i have explained in last Post.
Here is the link of my last post How to make your own Cursor , read it out first if you didn't yet.
Well, the software IconArt dont let you insert a bigger size image, only what you can insert is icon with extension .ico , cursors with extension .cur or an image of an icon size.
hmmm..... So how you can insert your image in it and make your Face as Cursor..... for that follow these simple steps:
1. First you need to convert your image(jpeg, gif etc.) into an Icon. For that go to site , upload your pic there, to which you want to convert into Icon, then download that Pic.
2. Now open that icon..which u hv just converted.... with the software IconArt.... now cut the extra part if any.... check the screen shot below:
3. Now when you complete with it, just save it....File> Save frame as Cursor. And yes, your Curser is ready!!!!
Now to apply this new Cursor as your mouse Pointer >> Follow step 4 & 5 of my last post How to make your own Cursor
Watch this Tutorial:

September 19, 2010 at 12:33 PM
nice yaar....